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Terms & Conditions

Applicability of the Agreement:

This agreement ("user agreement") outlines the terms and conditions for AirPro Holidays (AIRPRO) to provide services to individuals ("the User") intending to purchase or inquire about any products and/or services of AIRPRO through its websites or other customer interface channels, including salespersons, offices, call centers, advertisements, and information campaigns. Both User and AIRPRO are individually referred to as a 'party' to the agreement and collectively referred to as 'parties'.


User's Responsibility of Understanding:

By availing services from AIRPRO, Users are deemed to have read, understood, and expressly accepted the terms and conditions of this agreement, which govern the transaction or provision of services by AIRPRO. All rights and liabilities of the User and/or AIRPRO with respect to any services provided by AIRPRO are restricted to the scope of this agreement.

AIRPRO reserves the right to terminate access to any or all AIRPRO websites or sales channels and related services at any time, without notice, for maintenance or any other reason.

In addition to this Agreement, specific terms of service (TOS) apply to services rendered/products provided by AIRPRO, such as air tickets, holiday packages, etc. These TOS, provided/updated by AIRPRO, are deemed part of this Agreement, and in case of conflict, the terms of this Agreement prevail. Users are required to read and accept the relevant TOS for the service/product they avail. Additionally, Service Providers may have their own terms and guidelines governing particular features or offers, which Users must comply with.


Acceptance of Terms:

Users accept AIRPRO's Services on the condition of accepting all terms, conditions, and notices contained in this Agreement and the applicable TOS. Availing of the Services acknowledges and accepts this Agreement and the TOS. Failure to agree with any part of these terms, conditions, and notices means Users must not avail AIRPRO's Services.

In case of conflicts between the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein and other AIRPRO documents, these terms shall prevail.



Any information specified by AIRPRO as Confidential shall be maintained confidentially by the User and shall not be disclosed unless required by law or to fulfill the purpose of this agreement.



Website Usage:

User's use of information or materials on the website is at their own risk. Users are responsible for ensuring that any products, services, or information meet their specifications. Users are prohibited from altering, duplicating, distributing, transmitting, reproducing, publishing, licensing, or selling any information, software, products, or services acquired from AIRPRO's website.


Usage Of The User's Mobile Number By AIRPRO:

AIRPRO may communicate booking confirmation, itinerary information, etc., via SMS or voice call on the contact number provided by the User. Users consent to such communications as transactional, upon their request, and in compliance with relevant regulations. Users indemnify AIRPRO against losses incurred due to erroneous complaints or wrong contact details provided.


User's Onus:

AIRPRO is only responsible for transactions done by Users through AIRPRO. Users must cross-verify the accuracy of data and bookings and comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding service use.



Unless explicitly provided by AIRPRO, obtaining sufficient insurance coverage is the User's responsibility. Any insurance provided by AIRPRO is subject to terms and conditions of the insuring company.


Force Majeure Circumstances:

AIRPRO is not liable for service disruptions due to exceptional circumstances beyond its control, such as weather, labor unrest, etc. In such cases, AIRPRO will make best efforts to provide alternatives or refunds after deducting reasonable charges.


Limitation of Liability:

AIRPRO shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential damages arising from the use of its services or website. Maximum liability on AIRPRO's part shall be limited to the refund of the total amount received from the customer, minus applicable charges.


Safety of Data Downloaded:

Users acknowledge that downloading material/data through the Service is at their own risk and agree that AIRPRO will make efforts to ensure content is free of viruses or malware.


Feedback from Customer and Solicitation:

AIRPRO may contact Users with offers through various mediums unless specified otherwise by the User. Users are advised to review AIRPRO's privacy policy.


Proprietary Rights:

Users may use material provided by AIRPRO only as authorized and shall not distribute copyrighted content without permission.


Visa Obligations:

Users are responsible for meeting Visa requirements, and AIRPRO is not liable for any issues arising from Visa requirements.



Users indemnify AIRPRO against losses arising from breaches of this agreement or applicable laws.


Right to Refuse:

AIRPRO reserves the right to refuse customer orders and take action against Users for breaches of this agreement.


Right to Cancellation in Case of Invalid User Information:

AIRPRO reserves the right to cancel bookings if the information provided by Users is incorrect or misrepresented.



If any provision of this agreement is deemed invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect.



Headings are for convenience and identification only and do not limit the scope of the agreement.



No provision of this agreement constitutes a partnership between the User and AIRPRO.


Updation of Information by AIRPRO:

AIRPRO may update information on its websites without notice.


Modification of Terms:

AIRPRO reserves the right to change terms and conditions without notice.



AIRPRO operates under the jurisdiction of the courts of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Responsibilities of User Vis-a-Vis the Agreement:

Users accept services at their own risk and acknowledge that AIRPRO acts as a booking agent for third-party service providers. AIRPRO disclaims all warranties and liabilities not expressly made herein or in the terms and conditions of the services.


Usage of Customer's Holiday Pictures:

Customer pictures or videos may be used on social media platforms unless Users opt-out by contacting AIRPRO.

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